The Chop is an off-beat comedy about a New Zealand Park Ranger working in a California park trying to save a tree from being cut down to make space for a parking lot.

Taka is a socially anxious ball of sunshine who would rather talk to plants and trees than her all-male fellow rangers.

She is a fresh-off-the-boat immigrant from New Zealand trying to find her way in a new country where others don’t understand her.

This film tells the story of resilience and determination. Even when others do not see the value in her cause, Taka does not waver in her conviction. In addition, The Chop acts as an important reminder that nature will always win. As humans we have grown accustomed to disposing of nature without a second thought, having the audacity to take ownership over the natural landscape for our own needs.

Yet, nature has built within it systems to prevail.

The natural world will outlast us all.

Help Taka!

Our goal is raising $15,000 to bring this story to life.

Your donations will help us build our world, pay our crew, keep everyone safe, feed the team and have a sustainable set.